Spring 2022

What’s Happening At Three Oaks

  • We don’t always have all our team together in one place, but when we do, there’s fun, service…and maybe a little productivity.
  • Our goal for 2022 is to hire two new team members: one dedicated client service associate for our California office and one paraplanner for our Dallas office.
  • The results from our Q1 poll on the best performing asset class of 2022 are in!
    • U.S. Stock = 50%
    • Real Estate = 33.3%
    • Crypto-Currency = 16.7%

Industry Updates

  • The SECURE Act was passed in 2019 and increased the age for Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from 70.5 to 72. The House recently passed version 2.0, which now awaits a vote in the senate. Potential impacts:
    • Increase catch-up contributions for those age 62, 63, and 64
    • Postpone RMDs to age 73 or later
    • Add Roth features to SEP and SIMPLE plans
  • Interest rates and inflation are on the rise. What does history tell us about asset class performance against these backdrops?
  • Student loans stay at 0% until August.

Mark Your Calendars

Important dates you should know:

  • “Summer Study Sessions” – We’ll be working on a few virtual town-hall meetings over the summer months such as 2022 Proactive Tax Planning Tips (CPA Panel Discussion). Stay tuned…
  • August 31st – Updated expiration date for the student loan payment pause/0% interest on direct student loans.

Need Something to “Geek Out On”?

Here is what your Three Oaks team is reading:

  • Adam is reading Why We Sleep, by Matthew Walker, PhD
  • Crypto Theses 2022 – Messari.IO

Easter Eggs

You made it to the end of our spring newsletter, you deserve a treat! The first 5 people to text their name to (214) 717-0889 (Adam’s number) will receive a free margarita and witty banter exchange!