Summer 2023

What’s happening at Three Oaks
From sandy shores to snow-capped mountains, our adventures took us far and wide. We couldn’t resist capturing our treasured moments on camera to share with each and every one of you.

Schwab Transition
The transition from TD Ameritrade to Schwab is finally here (well…almost). So, what does that mean for you, and what actions do you need to take?

Industry Updates
- Here’s a look back at the surprisingly strong first half of 2023.
- As we look ahead to the sunsetting of the TCJA, tax planning opportunities may exist.

Mark Your Calendars
Have questions about the Schwab transition? Join us for our virtual Three Oaks Town Hall!
- Day & Time: August 8th, 8 p.m. Central/ 6 p.m. Pacific

Need Something to “Geek Out On”?
Of course not…it’s 100 degrees here. Chill out!